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FX516PC REV4.0.pdf
FX516PC REV2.0.pdf
FX516PC REV4.0 BoardView.pdf
FX516PC REV2.0 BoardView.pdf
FX516PR = FX516PC
FX516PR KB_pins=32 RIGHT DOWN 08MM PD0=7 PD1=16 PD2=21 PD3=13 PD4=22 PD5=20 PD6=24 PD7=6 BUSY=10 STB=18 AFD=8 INIT=15 SLIN=17 KSI4=14 KSI5=12 FLASH=192 CHIP=IT5125VG-192
FX516PC F1.311


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FX516PC REV4.0.pdf
11 MB · Views: 582

FX516PC REV2.0.pdf
10.8 MB · Views: 445

FX516PC REV2.0 BoardView.pdf
6.9 MB · Views: 462

FX516PC REV4.0 BoardView.pdf
6.8 MB · Views: 517

82.9 KB · Views: 97

FX516PC F1.311.zip
7.4 MB · Views: 55

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Hello I would like to know where specifically is the bios chip to send it now, I lost the password of my bios and I can not access the computer, I have an ezp2023+ to read the chip but I do not know where is the damned chip to pass the file.

I hope you will be able to help me
Hello I would like to know where specifically is the bios chip to send it now, I lost the password of my bios and I can not access the computer, I have an ezp2023+ to read the chip but I do not know where is the damned chip to pass the file.

I hope you will be able to help me
Are you a technician and don't know where the bios is?
Are you a technician and don't know where the bios is?
It happens that the schematic says one thing, the bin says another and I'm looking for the nomenclature of the bin's winbond, not what the schematic says hahaha I'm still looking for the aforementioned chip.

Edit: I already know what the problem is, there are more versions of the FX516PC in addition to R 2.0 and 4.0, the one I have is 6.0 and the schematic does not match, can you give me a hand since I have 3 possible candidates and here I am without data, I have technical knowledge but I have not worked with bios files in this way.

Serial Chips:

I don't know if it requires a voltage converter to read them and facilitate them. I'm really new to this

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In our original bios,,the issue faced was battery above 78% not increase...
we tried your bios ,,, issue was solved,,, but SSD not detected.....
Please rebuid this original bios to solve the issue

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