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Rewrite the SN / UUID after programming MEC for Lenovo


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Rewrite the SN / UUID after programming MEC for Lenovo
EC MEC1633, MEC1632, MEC1609, MEC16, MEC50
note: Many users ask how to crack the superuser password. This chip is 192KB of Flash plus 2KB of EEPROM (stores the SVP superuser password and UUID). Through the JTAG interface, the flash can be read and written, and the EEPROM can be written but not read. Selecting "MEC1633_256K" to read and write will clear the EEPROM area where the SVP superuser password and UUID are located (the actual capacity is only 2KB). Then use the following tools to rewrite the SN / UUID.

Thinkpad Maintenance Disk instructions.pdf

View attachment How to Change Serial Numb.mp4

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