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Asus X541NA rev. 2.1

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Asus X541NA rev. 2.1

(KSO3=8 KSI4=9 KSI7=4 KSI6=6 KSI5=7)

X541NA r2.1.323 test ok
boardview Asus X541NA Rev2.1 Boardview(FZ).fz
WhatsApp Image 2019-08-01 at 22.41.16.jpeg

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5.5 MB · Views: 2,786

ENE_KB902AQ C_KBC.bin.zip
45.4 KB · Views: 1,141

X541NA r2.1.323 test ok.bin
8 MB · Views: 2,929

Asus X541NA Rev2.1 Boardview(FZ).fz
101.4 KB · Views: 2,075

hello i have a strange problem with this laptop. Now i have only orange led on and non power if i press the power button on the keyboard. I have tried to change bios and write kbc but nothing change apart the colr of the charger led that with another bios becomes white. sometimes the laptop go on if i press for some seconds the button near kbc but this apppens only with its original bios and not with the other. i upload the original file and hope you can help me to solve.

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8 MB · Views: 20

i've tried this file and file and when i put ac cord i have power led and orange led on with the fan spinning but no video and if i press the power button the pc turn off but soon turn on again in the same condiotion. Help me please
i've tried this file and file and when i put ac cord i have power led and orange led on with the fan spinning but no video and if i press the power button the pc turn off but soon turn on again in the same condiotion. Help me please
All bios same problem next you need check hardware.
¿Cómo estás seguro de que es un error?
¿Has probado otra BIOS?

Estimado, con la BIOS que pedí que se reconstruyera, el equipo se enciende durante unos segundos y se apaga. Con una de las muchas biografías que se subieron al hilo, el equipo se enciende sin video, pero no se apaga. Lo que necesito es que la BIOS se reconstruya a través de mi copia de seguridad.
how you sure it error ?
Have you tried another BIOS?

Dear, with the bios that I asked to be rebuilt, the equipment turns on for a few seconds and turns off. With one of the many bios that were uploaded in the thread, the equipment turns on without video, but it does not turn off. What I need is that the bios be rebuilt through my backup.
Estimado, con la BIOS que pedí que se reconstruyera, el equipo se enciende durante unos segundos y se apaga. Con una de las muchas biografías que se subieron al hilo, el equipo se enciende sin video, pero no se apaga. Lo que necesito es que la BIOS se reconstruya a través de mi copia de seguridad.
bios lock for you above is ok, If that doesn't work you have to check the hardware