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ThinkPad P70 - BP700 NM-A441

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P70 Laptop (ThinkPad)
Motherboard BP700 NM-A441
Schematics Thinkpad P70 LCFC BP700 NM-A441.pdf
ThinkPad P70 BP700 NM-A441 REV: 04
boardview Lenovo P70 - BP700 - NM-A441 REV 1.0 boardview PDF.pdf
Lenovo Thinkpad P71 NM-A441 PAYTON2 P71 KBL-H.pdf
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BP700 NM-A441 REV04.BIN
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Hello! I tried but its not working. lights flash but immediatly turns off again.

With the other versions (my dump and from the files here) it bootloops but it's turning on. Not so with your build57 just flashing and turning off.