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BIOS Microsoft Surface Pro X BIOS E49068 50-01 UMT-KS A7 Surface Pro X 1876

Hello ThienBui,
I'm screwed. Never had in my long time experience working with smt problem what happed. The BIOS chip MX25U1635E (2MB) was so badly cemented to MB, that I broke it while removing. So stupid of me, I should realize that there is problem to remove it and I should just dump it directly while on pcb. I did other one W25Q256JW this one is 32 MBytes and it was success. Everyone makes mistakes.
I'm looking for good samaritan or suggestion where to get the dump from MX25U1635E (2MB or 16Mbits).
Is it possible to extract it from recovery full update, I downloaded this before it happen based on Serial Number.
Or someone can supply it , I have my Serial number. It is BIOS for Surface PRO X with LTE and 512MB SSD, 8MB RAM.
Please help... Can you find or you have it contens of MX25U1635E (2MB or 16Mbits). The 32 Mbytes one I succesfully downloaded from my original flash. But the other one I need MX25U1635E (2MB or 16Mbits)...help me please
Hello ThienBui,
I'm screwed. Never had in my long time experience working with smt problem what happed. The BIOS chip MX25U1635E (2MB) was so badly cemented to MB, that I broke it while removing. So stupid of me, I should realize that there is problem to remove it and I should just dump it directly while on pcb. I did other one W25Q256JW this one is 32 MBytes and it was success. Everyone makes mistakes.
I'm looking for good samaritan or suggestion where to get the dump from MX25U1635E (2MB or 16Mbits).
Is it possible to extract it from recovery full update, I downloaded this before it happen based on Serial Number.
Or someone can supply it , I have my Serial number. It is BIOS for Surface PRO X with LTE and 512MB SSD, 8MB RAM.
Please help... Can you find or you have it contens of MX25U1635E (2MB or 16Mbits). The 32 Mbytes one I succesfully downloaded from my original flash. But the other one I need MX25U1635E (2MB or 16Mbits)...help me please
need to wait this is a new model that doesn't have a lot of bios and can't be extracted
need to wait this is a new model that doesn't have a lot of bios and can't be extracted
Best way is if someone have access to the MB, and download directly from the chip. It is the smaller dump for MX25U1635E. Looks like it has firmware for SAM LPC 54, see picture
Any chance to remove UEFI System Admin password from Flash DUMP? Surface PRO X

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11.4 MB · Views: 26

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