I need bios bin or rom file for dell E7470 (board # LA-C461P)
hereI need bios bin or rom file for dell E7470 (board # LA-C461P)
Get VIP and downloads bios above to ProgrammingDo you have a BIOS version without computrace ? If I use it, Will I be able to upgrade it in the future whenever Dell release a new version ?
Downloads and Programming nowI did
no Understand. Now i only want know laptop error what? and bios old error what ??I tried both the original one and the one with the computrace removed. After flashing the BIOS chip using the flashing tool and soldering it, the system is powering up but no display. The only bios that is working is the original laptop BIOS which we copied in the begging before replacing it.
Is there any way to flash a bin file on this laptop which have computrace activated ? if not , will replacing the BIOS chip with a pre-programmed one solve the issue ? if not, what chip need to be replaced ?
send i bios have computrace.Old BIOS is locked by computrace and I need to disable computrace
How you backup ?Thank you,
How to flash ? remove BIOS chip and flash ? or is there other way from EFI ? cmd ?
Backup and flashing use same tool...examples TL866...etcI backup by removing bios chip and put on flashing device.
Use same method for programming the file you give me?
friend can help me with this computer bios latitude e7270 has computrace activated and with another rom does not give video