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  1. ThienBui

    BIOS HP Spectre x360 - 15t-df100 CTO DAX38DMBAE0 - X38D

    HP Spectre x360 - 15t-df100 CTO DAX38DMBAE0 BIOS X38D
  2. ThienBui

    BIOS X1 Carbon 7th Gen - (Type 20R1, 20R2) Laptop (ThinkPad) NM-C661 REV 1.0

    X1 Carbon 7th Gen - (Type 20R1, 20R2) Laptop (ThinkPad) NM-C661 REV 1.0 X1 Carbon 7th Gen - (Type 20R1, 20R2) Laptop (ThinkPad) - Type 20R1 ( N2QET40W ) NM-C661.pdf NM-C661 BOT.pdf
  3. ThienBui

    BIOS HP Spectre x360 15t-df000 DAX38CMBG0 REV. G

    HP Spectre x360 15t-df000 DAX38CMBG0 REV. G BIOS X38C
  4. ThienBui

    BIOS HP ENVY x360 Laptop - 13-ay0007ne LA-J481P

    HP ENVY x360 Laptop - 13-ay0007ne LA-J481P BIOS 0876E_DMI Schematics boardview GPR31 LA-J481P (REV 1.0) (BDV).cad.zip Compal GPR31 LA-J481P Rev 1.0.pdf GPR31 LAJ481P (REV 2.0).pdf HP 13-AY0028NN COMPAL LA-J481P photo
  5. Salutit

    Ask HP Elitebook x360 1040 G7 bios password

    hello, can somebody remove bios password ?
  6. W

    Ask HP Spectre X360 15-df0033dx DA0X38MBAG0 REV : G bios password

    bios password
  7. P

    Ask HP EliteBook 1040 x360 G6 - Message on boot: "Warning: Your system is not fully configured. Please contact HP support."

    Hello, I recently bought this laptop used and everything works fine. Only problem I'm having is that I get the message "Warning: Your system is not fully configured. Please contact HP support" while the laptop is booting on the loading Sure Start screen. It is highlighted in red. Some things I...
  8. ThienBui


  9. ThienBui

    BIOS x360 11-ad part no 17933-1

    x360 11-ad part no 17933-1 BIOS 084F9_DMI
  10. ThienBui

    BIOS HP ENVY x360 Laptop - 15-ds1010wm 19806-1 087A9 AMD

    ,HP ENVY x360 Laptop - 15-ds1010wm 19806-1 087A9 AMD BIOS
  11. ThienBui

    BIOS HP ELITEBOOK X360 830 G5 ORETIKBL 6050A3049801-MB-A01 (A1)

    HP ELITEBOOK X360 830 G5 ORETIKBL 6050A3049801-MB-A01 (A1) BIOS
  12. C

    Ask Hp Chromebook x360 11 G1 EE

    Hello, I need help with that chromebook. I need to change serial number, unenrollment chromebook and unlock devmode.
  13. ThienBui

    BIOS HP Pavilion x360 - 14-ba253cl BUCKS1.2 WHL UMA 18755-1

    HP Pavilion x360 - 14-ba253cl BUCKS1.2 WHL UMA 18755-1 BIOS 08567_DMI
  14. Negan

    BIOS Any Bios for HP Pavilion x360 - 14-cd0009la

    Hello, I am looking for a bios for my hp notebook model HP Pavilion x360 - 14-cd0009la, the ones that I find in the occupational page (2) do not work well :(, thank you very much
  15. ThienBui

    BIOS HP EliteBook x360 830 G6 6050A3059101-MB-A01 A1

    HP EliteBook x360 830 G6 6050A3059101-MB-A01 A1 BIOS R78_010600
  16. ThienBui

    BIOS HP Probook x360 11 g3 ee balos-6050a3009601-mb-a01(a1)

    HP Probook x360 11 g3 ee balos-6050a3009601-mb-a01(a1) BIOS
  17. laptoptpt

    BIOS Nhờ fix bios HP Envy x360 15m-bp112dx

    Máy khởi động báo 2 dòng sau, nhưng vẫn chạy bình thường. Nhờ EA fix mình khỏi báo 2 dòng sau: Manufacture Programing Mode is in Unlock Mode Warning : OEM Keyboard Type is not set !!! Thanks
  18. U

    BIOS BIOS Password Reset HP Spectre x360 13 (2017)

    Hi. I have bought a used HP Spectre x360 13 (2017) (designated 13-ae00xx or 13-ae053na) which prompts for password upon opening the bios setup. All the usual methods of removing the password don't work (I've tried removing battery for a while, flashing new version of BIOS, trying to crack the...
  19. ThienBui

    BIOS HP EliteBook x360 1030 G4 DAY0PAMBAF0 REV F Y0PA

    HP EliteBook x360 1030 G4 DAY0PAMBAF0 REV F BIOS Y0PA HP_ELITEBOOK_X360_1030_G4_QUANTA Y0PA photo
  20. ThienBui

    BIOS HP Chromebook x360 14 G1 LA-G632P

    HP Chromebook x360 14 G1 LA-G632P BIOS Chromebook