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BIOS XPS 9570 ddp00 ddb00 LA-G341P rev1.0

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XPS 9570 ddp00 ddb00 LA-G341P rev1.0
Schematics boardview LAG341P-1218 boardview BRD.zip
XPS 15 9570 LA-G341P MB_4PHASE_Schematic.pdf
Allegro Free Physical Viewer Portable 17.2
DDP00 DDB00 LA-G341P (REV 1.0) (A00) (BDV).cad

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LAG341P-1218 boardview BRD.zip
5.3 MB · Views: 1,705

I cannot open the brd file, it says "ERROR(SPMHA1-161): Cannot open the design because of database problems. Run the dbdoctor command on the design and try to open again."

This is with Allegro Free Physical Viewer 17.4-2019 S008.

Any help is appreciated, thank you. Do I need an old version of Allegro Free Physical viewer in order to view this brd file?
Last edited:
Just to help anyone else here - Allegro Free Physical Viewer cannot open it if there are spaces and other special characters in the filename and/or file path of the brd file. I managed to open it by moving the brd file directly to root C: and renaming the file to just "LAG341P-1218_view_locked.brd"
Hi there,
this zip file is corrupted. in allegro and free openbrdview also.
any suggest?