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BIOS XPS 9570 ddp00 ddb00 LA-G341P rev1.0

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XPS 9570 ddp00 ddb00 LA-G341P rev1.0
Schematics boardview LAG341P-1218 boardview BRD.zip
XPS 15 9570 LA-G341P MB_4PHASE_Schematic.pdf
Allegro Free Physical Viewer Portable 17.2
DDP00 DDB00 LA-G341P (REV 1.0) (A00) (BDV).cad

Screen Shot 2020-07-10 at 12.36.26.jpgScreen Shot 2021-06-04 at 1.25.48 PM.png

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LAG341P-1218 boardview BRD.zip
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this issue came after updating bios before update graphic card show,can yo degrade my orignal backup maybe resolve this issue
the original itself has an error, it can't be fixed you need to try another BIOS hope the low version will work, there is no other way

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