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Lenovo Wistron Kendo-4 LKN-4 WS 11220 Lenovo ThinkPad T530

thì tìm 1 file khác đi test xem sao đã, khi nào lỗi nghi lôic me thì mới clear....
bios của nó vẫn lên bình thường, e nạp để đổi thông số bios thôi, nhưng các file kia ko lên, mới nghĩ đến ME
I have a problem with Lenovo W530 laptop
LKN-4 WS MB 11220-3 board
The laptop starts up but turns off when loading the system.
After starting the inscription appears:
FW Status Recovery Error
On BIOS entries from this forum, the laptop does not start.

Please, as you can see to my BIOS files, you may need to clean them.

Thank you.

Download list

W530-11220-3 Q64_zgrany.BIN
8 MB · Views: 78

W530-11220-3 Q32_zgrany.BIN
4 MB · Views: 96

I have a problem with Lenovo W530 laptop
LKN-4 WS MB 11220-3 board
The laptop starts up but turns off when loading the system.
After starting the inscription appears:
FW Status Recovery Error
On BIOS entries from this forum, the laptop does not start.

Please, as you can see to my BIOS files, you may need to clean them.

Thank you.

Download list

clear me.zip
2.6 MB · Views: 147

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