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OMEN by HP - 15-ce198wm DAG3AEMBCD0 rev d

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OMEN by HP - 15-ce198wm DAG3AEMBCD0 rev d
G3AE boardview Schematics
Quanta G3AE DAG3AEMBCD0 Boardview (BDV)(.CAD) .cad

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W25Q80 1MB.BIN
1 MB · Views: 77

2.5 MB · Views: 17

I have exatly this board OMEN by HP - 15-ce198wm DAG3AEMBCD0 rev d with original BID8466
With BID08466, I get power red light turn on and off.
With the BID084DA The board work fine but without sound, and some turn on and off errors.
any have any idea about what could be happend?
Please help me.
Last edited:
I have exatly this board OMEN by HP - 15-ce198wm DAG3AEMBCD0 rev d with original BID8466
With BID08466, I get power red light turn on and off.
With the BID0838F and BID084DA The board work fine but without sound, and some turn on and off errors.
any have any idea about what could be happend?
Please help me.
old bios error what ?
Unfortunately i have the same error, red light turn on and off,
i try again with a bios correspondent to BID084DA and work whitout sound.
This is the strangest thing that has happened to me in years.
i attach you the BID084DA one, maybe you could find something.

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clearme BID084DA.bin
16 MB · Views: 10

Unfortunately i have the same error, red light turn on and off,
i try again with a bios correspondent to BID084DA and work whitout sound.
This is the strangest thing that has happened to me in years.
i attach you the BID084DA one, maybe you could find something.
Any idea?