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Ask Insys w148 and w149

Question & Answer Forums

Sergio Moreira

Registered member
Hi people, i have 2 model of insys and cant find anything, like bios dumb and schemes. Its possible help me with this problem?

This is a laptop from school program and i try to help to solve this problem!

Thank you for your help!
Hi people, i have 2 model of insys and cant find anything, like bios dumb and schemes. Its possible help me with this problem?

This is a laptop from school program and i try to help to solve this problem!

Thank you for your help!
model? and photo problem i check
model? and photo problem i check
Hi, Its Insys GW1-W148 And GW1-W149
This model its like Gateway laptops

This is the w148

And this it w149

Thanks for reply!

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