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Inspiron 14 7425 2-in-1 213084-1
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can not check from biosTOUCHPAD AND KEYBOARD
kéo cuống dưới nạp thêm file khác nếu vẫn thế thì bị chip AMD rồiadmin con file bios 213084-1 khac ko. file tren nap vao 2 vang 5 trang
AMD ko có builds nạp file khác xembuilds giúp e với ạ ( svt: 8VZ77S3 ) @ThienBui
AMD need try one bios new and check hardwarelimpiar por favor no video dell p161g
si trabaja con la 7425 pero teclado no trabajaAMD necesita probar una nueva bios y verificar el hardware
se puede hacer algo ?para repararlimpiar por favor no video dell p161g
AMD bios no have checkse puede hacer algo ?para reparar
This one no display.before uplode pls check..waste of time for us..Inspiron 14 7425 2-in-1 213084-1
you need check AMD chipsetThis one no display.before uplode pls check..waste of time for us..