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HP 15-BS046NA LA-E811P REV 2.0

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HP 15-BS046NA
CSL50/CSL52 LA-E811P Rev 2.0

HP CSL50 CSL52 LA-E811P REV2.0 UMA Photo
HP CBL50 LA-E811P REV1.0 Discrete Photo

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Hi. Why BIOS VCC only 1.8V instead of 3.3? It's normal? My laptop blink 5 long and 3 short caps lock. I change bios ic, and SuperIQ (ene) too. The simphtome is still the same. Also tried 4 different version of Bios+EC combination.
Hi. Why BIOS VCC only 1.8V instead of 3.3? It's normal? My laptop blink 5 long and 3 short caps lock. I change bios ic, and SuperIQ (ene) too. The simphtome is still the same. Also tried 4 different version of Bios+EC combination.
Depending on the model you need to check the diagram of the Motherboard if it uses 3.3v but only 1.8v, it is an error you need to fix, but there are also motherboards that only use 1.8v

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