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DELL XPS 9360 LA-D841P

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Dell XPS 13 9360 System BIOS
Kaby Lake

DELL XPS 9360 LA-D841P
LA-D841P R10-0621 boardview PDF.pdf
Schematics boardview BIOS
LA-D841P TOP.pdf
Dell XPS 13 9360 - LA-D841P Boardview (.CAD).cad
DELL XPS13 9360 COMPAL LA-D841P photo

Screen Shot 2020-07-11 at 22.33.46.jpgScreen Shot 2021-01-10 at 11.37.17.jpg

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DELL XPS 13 9360(LA-D841P).bin.zip
8.2 MB · Views: 1,265

32 MB · Views: 1,170

Dell XPS13 25Q80 UT5.bin
1 MB · Views: 604

Dell XPS13 25Q80 UT6.bin
1 MB · Views: 570

LA-D841P TOP.pdf
637.3 KB · Views: 496

573.9 KB · Views: 474

Sorry thien bui my problem not tpm Bios blocked I have to downgrade the bios to version 2.10 but the computer won't let me do it. Could you send me the bios version 2.10 in dump version so I can program it with the programmer? Thanks?
Sorry thien bui my problem not tpm Bios blocked I have to downgrade the bios to version 2.10 but the computer won't let me do it. Could you send me the bios version 2.10 in dump version so I can program it with the programmer? Thanks?
how? send photo problem i check
Doesn't matter which version doesn't matter

I need an older version to eliminate the bit loker this is a notebook that had leaked liquids which I repaired but when I turn it on the disk asks me for the bit loker encrypted key which the customer has not activated so by putting an older bios the problem should disappear if you can send me the 2.1 bin version thanks
I need an older version to eliminate the bit loker this is a notebook that had leaked liquids which I repaired but when I turn it on the disk asks me for the bit loker encrypted key which the customer has not activated so by putting an older bios the problem should disappear if you can send me the 2.1 bin version thanks
Just reformat the SSD bitlock and it will go away
Please find a way to copy data to another PC…..
if I connect the disk externally it tells me that the disk is blocked with bit loker so it asks me for a key with 48 digits so I can't transfer the data ideal would be if you can provide me with a bios version 2.1
Xin lỗi thien bui vấn đề của tôi không phải tpm Bios bị chặn. Tôi phải hạ bios xuống phiên bản 2.10 nhưng máy tính không cho phép tôi làm điều đó. Bạn có thể gửi cho tôi phiên bản bios 2.10 trong phiên bản kết xuất để tôi có thể lập trình nó với lập trình viên không? Cảm ơn?
Try bro, i builds bios ver 2.1

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Try bro, i builds bios ver 2.1
Hi, I have a problem with a Dell 13 inch model xps 9360 with a blocked disk with BitLoker. I managed to put bios version 2.1 with TPM disabled but BitLoker always pops up. The customer told me he never activated BitLoker. How can I recover the data from the disk?