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HP Calvin UMA 6050A2466401-MB-A01 PV 20121101

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Calvin UMA 6050A2466401-MB-A01 PV 20121101
HP 6470b 6050A2466401-MB-A03_HSTNN-I07C-UMA photo
8470P_68ICF Unlocks 16MB
ProBook_6570B_OK 8MB.BIN

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8470P_68ICF Unlocks.bin
16 MB · Views: 858

ProBook_6570B_OK 8MB.BIN.zip
3.6 MB · Views: 642


We have Elitebook 8470P 6050A2466401-MB-A04 . After several BIOS flash, it do this: Light on charging OK , but laptop wont turn on (AT ALL , power led is not emitting). All components around BIOS ok (soldered by IR.) checked for short, all looks OK.

We got 8 different BIOS flash for the same motherboard : 6050A2466401-MB-A04.

laptop wont turn on. By shcematic A04 there are missing some parts (Q2993). Motherboard 6050A2466401-MB-A04 need schematic 6050A2466401-MB-A02 (Calvin UMA MV BUILD 2012.03.08) to solve propertly. (guess some manufacturer mistake in label of the motherboards)

None of motherboard works, all circuits looks OK, changed BQ 736 and TPS , no result, voltage inputs and outputs in both circuits OK , error on transistors around BQ 736, (Q6012) input OK output not working, transistor OK

can anyone help ? looks like lot of those laptops doing the same error. e got now 3 motherboards with same error .
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HP-Compaq - Hp probook 6570b CASPER-UMA_CR_HPB MV_MB_V1

Bios Hp probook 6570b HP EliteBook 8570P (Casper- uma_cr_hpb mv_mb_v1) 16MB.bin
this file size invalid 8193 kb


HP-Compaq - Hp probook 6570b CASPER-UMA_CR_HPB MV_MB_V1

Bios Hp probook 6570b HP EliteBook 8570P (Casper- uma_cr_hpb mv_mb_v1) 16MB.bin
this file size invalid 8193 kb
send file bios old 8MB and photo motherboard code i check.