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Alienware 17 R5 DDR51 LA-F552P

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Alienware 17 R5 DDR51 LA-F552P
Schematics BIOS
DELL Alienware 17 R5 (DDR51 LA-F552P REV 1.0 (A00)) photo HD

DELL Alienware 17 R5 (DDR51 LA-F552P REV 1.0 (A00)) photo HD.jpgAlienware 17 R5 DDR51 LA-F552P

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1 MB · Views: 161

16 MB · Views: 190

ANRDDR5100 ANRDDR7100 LA-F552P.pdf
6.3 MB · Views: 303

ENE KB9022.bin.zip
68.2 KB · Views: 74

Laptop powers on and shiws bios error code this dumps should be taken from one board.
full power you need Programming MAIN bios why request ec ?
and note, 1mb not for ec it only runs peripherals you can skip without programming
full power you need Programming MAIN bios why request ec ?
and note, 1mb not for ec it only runs peripherals you can skip without programming
Because it gives bios error code. You always need to program both chips in alienware laptops.
@ThienBui have this EC ue5 kb9022qd a rom?



laptop no turn on, i've change ec for a one new blank, and now is missing kb_rst#, i think its because ec is blank i'm loooking for a rom!