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330-15IKB (Type 81DC) 8RCN50WW NM-B451

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330-15IKB (Type 81DC) 8RCN50WW
EG521 EG522 EZ511 G721 NM-B451
boardview NM-B451 R02_UMA .tvw
Schematics LCFC_EG521_EG522_NM-B451 Rev 0.2 UMA
Lenovo Ideapad 320-15IKB NM-B451 EG521 EG522 EZ511 EG721 Rev1.0 photo
Screen Shot 2020-07-15 at 09.25.36.jpgScreen Shot 2019-12-23 at 1.31.09 PM.jpg

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NM-B451 R02_UMA .tvw.zip
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The bios works fine, but the graphic device can be selected from the settings. I don't want to make a selection, just let it work as uma and not switchable graphics in bios menu
can you make bios that is just uma

also can you clear me this bios again

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The bios works fine, but the graphic device can be selected from the settings. I don't want to make a selection, just let it work as uma and not switchable graphics in bios menu
can you make bios that is just uma
can not make UMA from bios
i have ideapar EG521 EG522 EZ511 G721 NM-B451 no data.
can you check or correct bios if good or no ??

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