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Toshiba Shematic QUANTA BY7 BRAZOS-2.0 - Shematic QUANTA BY7D - MTB_ MTBD Test - Rev 1A

Thank you for your time Mr. Thien, the bin i sent you was 4mb on a winbond 25Q32BVSIG
Tried the 2mb you sent me but got 440mA and no video.
I attach my bin again hoping you can help me unpass.
Thanks again.

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4 MB · Views: 6

Thank you for your time Mr. Thien, the bin i sent you was 4mb on a winbond 25Q32BVSIG
Tried the 2mb you sent me but got 440mA and no video.
I attach my bin again hoping you can help me unpass.
Thanks again.
model this use BIOS 2MB not 4MB
send full model part number I check