X1 Carbon 5th Gen - Skylake (Type 20K4, 20K3) Laptop (ThinkPad)
Motherboard code ?20K4, no power on, only beeps
dx120 nm-b141 ,same as 20HQ here
Lenovo ThinkPad X1 Carbon (5th Generation/2017) BIOS DX120 NM-B141
Lenovo ThinkPad X1 Carbon (5th Generation/2017) BIOS DX120 NM-B141 X1 Carbon 5th Gen - Kabylake (Type 20HR, 20HQ) Laptop (ThinkPad) add W25Q128 DX120 NM-B141 V1.0 Schematics Lenovo X1 NM-B141 YD1KL-3 Ver 3.08vinafix.com
with bios in the link, beeps too. I think they are different at something. As i see with ME Analyzer one is Consumer ME ,other Corporate ME