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Unlock Password BIOS

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Tool dành cho laptop Dell (Sử dụng tool tương ứng với mã tag báo trên máy)
595B Dell Password13.rar
Pha Password DELL D35B.rar
Pha Pasword DELL new 2A7B A95B.rar

After typing your password, to accept press left CTRL key and holding this key Press Enter twice.

Dell Password Removal - How to use
Service Tag: D35B

1. Turn on the notebook. Let it boot to the Primary or Administrator Password Screen.
*Example of the Screen Below:

2. Open up "DellMasterPassword.EXE"

3. Then once its opened enter your service tag in all caps just like it appears on the screen.
Example of how to enter it Below:

4. Then press enter after you have entered it correctly.

5. Your password will be generated. Once it's done your password will be after the "-->"
*Example of the password "r729pgmn" Below:


6. Now enter your password on the Primary or Administrator Password Screen. Then hold down the Ctrl-key and press Enter twice

1. On a German keyboard The key: Z = Y
2. This System does not work with Service Tags: *******-595B

Master Password Generator for Asus

Master Password Generator for Phoenix BIOS
Master Password Generator for InsydeH2O BIOS (Acer, HP laptops)
Master Password Generator for HP/Compaq Mini Netbooks
Master Password Generator for Fujitsu laptops
Master Password Generator for Sony laptops
Master Password Generator for Samsung laptops
Dell Master Password Generator. [2A7B and 595B, D35B]
How to Unlock Dell code 6FF1
Deactivate computrace for Dell
How to remove password Bios Apple & Add, edit Serial Number
How to remove password BIOS/UEFI HP
How to Unlock Dell Service tag code XXXXXXX-0001
How to unlock Laptop Dell code XXXXXXX-BF97
Password generator Tools

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hd dell 2.jpg hd dell.jpg
9.1 KB · Views: 1,582

595B Dell Password13.rar
26.3 KB · Views: 1,201

Pha Password DELL D35B.rar
262.6 KB · Views: 1,352

Pha Pasword DELL new 2A7B A95B.rar
428.6 KB · Views: 1,915

brother please why you do that this is not my file ,i need to inform you that this file didn't detect the ATI graphic card .

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vinafix file.jpg
I think you don't know how to fix it.
You do not provide any images or videos proving that the GPU is not working.
If you want to keep your SN number, contact me Skype: vinafix
here is the video that showing that your file not read the ATI GRAPHICS ,,,,?? PLEASE CHECK,..
and let me ask you a question if you only removed the password why the serial number changed??

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12.9 MB · Views: 9

here is the video that showing that your file not read the ATI GRAPHICS ,,,,?? PLEASE CHECK,..
and let me ask you a question if you only removed the password why the serial number changed??
the first video I see is all ok because you need to get another bios chip and paste it in?
Phan mem pha mật khẩu dell 595b 2a7b
có mà
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