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Surface Pro 5 1796
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Surface Pro 5 1796 ok.BIN
16 MB · Views: 817
16 MB · Views: 817
Thank you it works
But the touch is not working
Hi, please remove password from this BIOS.
Surface Pro 5
only unlockThanks, the BIOS works with some problems, the touch screen working only in windows but not in recovery and BIOS.
Hello, the Surface 1796 device has a reset problem on the logo, please help, thank you
Hi Boss can you fix this surface pro 5 1796 which hangs on the logo. and restarts.
thank you
hi thien, PRO 5 1796, without touch function, this is a original bios. repair please
try adding a new bios if the same problem then need to check the hardwarenow the windows logo appears and it turns off
not original BIOS? Note that the touch screen only works with the laptop's original BIOSSurface 1796 touch is not working.
thank you.