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BIOS INPRIRON 5402 core i5 gen 11 Xe Graphics MKB N TGL 8L MB 19861-1

Es garantizado el funcionamiento con el parche??, si hay garantia puedo realizar el pago
yes, but you need to check and make sure the SSD and audio are working normally and there aren't any errors other than Alt+F
Sí, pero debes verificar y asegurarte de que el SSD y el audio funcionen normalmente y que no haya ningún error aparte de Alt+F.
EL SSD si funciona, el audio no funciona y solo hay el error de Alt+F, con el parche se solucionaria el error de la etiqueta de servicio y del audio o solo etiqueta de servicio??
Because it is in production mode, if you do not want to buy the patch, you can download another bios to use
I know about that,but problem is bios not other things that you show me way and i pay for that
your must to do all bios problem for all users all other website solve all bios problem for over user
go to biossolution.com and pkbios.com and see even the are show method for user if you don,t belive go and visit them