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HP Probook 640 6050A2566402-MB-A03

Hello. I had 640 g1 to remove the password. I downloaded the batch from the beginning of the post and the password disappeared, but the SKU, FAMILIY NUMBER, SERIAL NUMBER error appeared - how to effectively patch it in the batch? I am sending the original bios with the password @ThienBui PLEASE HELP :)

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@ThienBui The problem is that I have 20 640 g1 computers that have passwords, are you able to send any info on how to get the password or how to copy SKU, FAMILY, SERIAL numbers so that no error pops up?
@ThienBui The problem is that I have 20 640 g1 computers that have passwords, are you able to send any info on how to get the password or how to copy SKU, FAMILY, SERIAL numbers so that no error pops up?

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