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HP EliteBook Folio 9480m 6050A2648201

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the file i sent its all i saved from the software that i use to program..CH341A...dont know how i got 128kb only, and i erased it already...
My friend please help. chip is W25Q128FVSIG, attached its the old bios with the forgotten password. the software i use is CH341A but when i try to program, there is a program error about file lenght, but still writes to the chip

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128 KB · Views: 19

My friend please help. chip is W25Q128FVSIG, attached its the old bios with the forgotten password. the software i use is CH341A but when i try to program, there is a program error about file lenght, but still writes to the chip
Take and send me one photo display request password ? I need a detailed look at the password. Understand
I reprogrammed old BIOS with the original dump, now i have no video...damage chip?:fou: (fou):fou: (fou)
I think tool CH341A for you errror.
You need to buy a better tool...TL866, rt809....etc....

You need to remember chip 128 where backup done is one file 16MB. Understand ?
if it says "File length, beyond range of will be ignored". could it work? Also this computer has another 25Q16 chip, do i have to flash that one too.
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thank add hôm qua chép file cleame đc rồi ad chép xong nó enter tụ load lai seri num ber đc luôn

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