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HP EliteBook 820 G3 Notebook 6050A2725001-MB-A01

HP EliteBook 820 G3 Notebook
BIOS N75_0113 16MB
HP 820 G3 6050A2725001-MB-A01 ME.BIN

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hp 820 g3 8MB.bin
8 MB · Views: 1,428

136.6 KB · Views: 112

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I have programmed the BIOS 16mb above but it does not work.
There is no power supply
I think the 8mb bios of the U366 chip that does not work.
Because when I programmed with the bios elitebook 840 the diode of the on / off button switched on for 3s but after nothing
minh nhan may cua khac bi mat linh kien, do khac di sua cho khac khong dong y gia nen bi gai pan ,thao mat U366 va linh kien xung quanh
Hello, you could help me with my corrupt bios, for elitebook 820 g3 please, I send you the old bios

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