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HP 15-ac022ur - AHL50/ABL52 LA-C701P Schematics and BIOS

HP 15-ac022ur (Compal AHL50/ABL52 LA-C701P rev:1.0)
Schematics HP AHL50 ABL52 LA-C701P
Broadwell M/B Schematics Document
Intel ULV Processor with DDRIIIL
Date : 2015/01/31
Version 0.3
AHL50 / ABL52

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you can try one BIOS new above and compare
Before I waste your time, I always try the bios provided above. With most of them, it either shows video errors or shuts down 5-10 seconds after switching on. The problem with the bios I sent is that it does not go to sleep, but turns off the machine directly. This also happens when turn off the screen. It's not a hardware problem in my opinion. Of course I always trust your expertise. I'll be happy to solve this problem.
have display or not ?
With both bios it turns off after 10 seconds. With one there are video errors, with the other it does not, but after 10 seconds it turns off. With the other bios it is similar, I tried at least 6. With the original bios power off when the screen goes into power save or goes to sleep.

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AHL50 ABL52 LA-C701P REV 1.0.jpg 8mb_F02.jpg
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