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Asus H81M-D


Micro-ATX H81 with new high-endurance 5X Protection and intuitive UEFI BIOS
  • ASUS 5X Protection - All-round protection provides the best quality, reliability, and durability
  • New UEFI BIOS – Friendlier, easier, and more intuitive with helpful info added
  • USB 3.0 Boost (UASP Support) - 170% faster transfer speeds than traditional USB 3.0
  • Ai Suite 3 - One-stop access to innovative ASUS features
  • Network iControl - Real-time network bandwidth management

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Admin có phần mềm update bios main Asus H81 trong windows ko? Nếu có cho xin luôn ạ! Thanks admin. :D
Bios H81M-D Version 2204 e chép ko chạy, và sẵn cho e hỏi. Cái file bios version 2204 giải nén ra, có cái file MACOSX 210 bytes là gì vậy admin?
E nạp trên máy SUPERPRO Model 500P. E cũng đã thử lấy BIOS đang chạy save lại, rồi chép trên Chip BIOS khác nhưng nó không chạy. Help!!!
vậy đâu thể nói file trên BIOS không chạy. :p
không chạy như nào? ko nguồn, ko hình....vv
Version -2204
hi sir
may i request if possible, modify bios settings of this file
On boot configuration "wait for 'F1' if error" default is enable.
please set to disabled.

reason: its not saving changes on configuration. after restart i changes back to default settings. time and date is fine and its not affected.

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