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Ask Fujitsu E754 CP667438-01

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Hi. I need 1mb bios for Fujitsu E754 CP667438-01. I had good board with password. After reprogramming chip 25Q80BV my laptop is dead. It takes 0.6A and 3 led above keyboard are blinking. I was trying to reprogram chip with old bios saved before but no luck.
These roms does'nt work. I'm sure that the only 1mb rom failed. I changed 4mb 2 times before and there was still password on the bios. Just when I changed 1mb rom and reprogrammed the chip, latop become dead and takes 0.6A instead 1A at power on.
If only the password you need without programming 1MB, I think you killed the laptop when reading the BIOS, now return the original dead laptop??
I had other old mb with bad 1mb and replaced it for a while. It does'nt work of course. But when I come back to oryginal 1mb chip it worked well. Until I reprogrammed it. What happend?!
You damaged the Motherboard when removing the BIOS chip, possibly due to overheating or damage to the surrounding components