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Ask EZbook X3, minilap

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Dear all there is an issue in the keyboad. On/off button in the keyboard. So when i triggur just on the off display comes. But just turn on and keyboard rebbon remove from the sockut then it continuosly on. In the meantime i tried remove keyboard ribbon and on /off line in the keyboard sockut to ground. But it doesn't turn on. Please let me know Is this model required a keyboard to triggur or any other alternative do you have to on this laptop. Pls help
Dear all there is an issue in the keyboad. On/off button in the keyboard. So when i triggur just on the off display comes. But just turn on and keyboard rebbon remove from the sockut then it continuosly on. In the meantime i tried remove keyboard ribbon and on /off line in the keyboard sockut to ground. But it doesn't turn on. Please let me know Is this model required a keyboard to triggur or any other alternative do you have to on this laptop. Pls help
can not check online

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