Dell OptiPlex 5080 18460-1
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13.2 MB · Views: 20
clean me please
many bios another in forum, you can use Motherboard code and findchipset was in short and replaced. now it turns on but no display both original and clean me. do you have bios for this motherboard? motherboard code: 18460-1 . maybe someone tempered with bios before
it worked! thanks
Clear me giúp em
clsss.zipoptiplex 5080sff clear me giup minh nhe a ThienBUI may nopost
clear me giup minh nhe A THIEN BUI dell 5080
clearmes.zipNhờ Anh ThienBUI clear me giup mình nha
Bios sau clear me co cho dat lai services tag mình đặt lại ma nó kg luu la do gi ta nho A ThienBui giup ak
nó có bắt nhấn Alt+F mỗi khi khởi động koBios sau clear me co cho dat lai services tag mình đặt lại ma nó kg luu la do gi ta nho A ThienBui giup ak
co A nhan ALT-F mai cung kg dc nen kg tắt dc ALT-F luônnó có bắt nhấn Alt+F mỗi khi khởi động ko