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Dell Dell Alienware 17 R3 AAP21 LA-C912P Rev 2.0 (A01)

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Dell Alienware 17 R3
AAP21 LA-C912P Rev 2.0 (A01)
W25X20 LA-C912P R2.UV10.ok
Schematics CompalLA-C912P Dell Alienware 15 R2
boardview CompalLA-C912P Dell Alienware 15 R2
LA-C912P Echo15MLK_0723B_NV.cad.zip


Schematic Document
SKL-H paltform with Nvidia N16E-GS/GT/GX Rev: 1.0(A00) PVT
Screen Shot 2019-11-02 at 2.36.00 PM.jpg

Download list

17 R3 LA-C912P REV 2.0_16M.bin.zip
5.6 MB · Views: 1,124

17 R3 UE2_1MB.bin.zip
1.4 KB · Views: 648

17 R3 UT2_1MB.bin.zip
94.7 KB · Views: 611

17 R3 UT5_1MB.bin.zip
89.3 KB · Views: 630

LA-C912P R2.KB9022.bin
128 KB · Views: 504

W25X20_LA-C912P R2.UV10.ok.BIN
256 KB · Views: 355

LA-C912P Echo15MLK_0723B_NV.cad.zip
918.1 KB · Views: 760

hI PLEASE YOU HAVE A bOARDVIEW that no is pdf??? i cant see the pdf boardview as is in a .BV please
HI, please can you upload the dumps for dell Part number CN-0DVV6W???, is for the alienware 17 r3 cpu 6700HQ GTX970 3GB = N16E-GT-A1, i need the MAIN BIOS, KB9022, and R3 UV10. (you only put for R2UV10)

Here are for all variants of board LA-C912P, but i need for this board exactly CN-0DVV6W. Thank you
CN-0DVV6W. = board alienware 17 r3 LA-C912P CPU i7-6700HQ, GPU=GTX970M/3GB chip( N16E-GT-A1 )
CN-0YRFN8 = BOARD alienware 17 r3 LA-C912P CPU i7-6820HK, GPU=GTX980M 8GB chip(N16E-GX-A1)

you can check in google. i need the bios for CN-0DVV6W specially the kbc kb9022qf and uv10 but for 17 r3 board, you only have here the uv10 for 15 r2 board.

i Attach my dumps please check for me and clear ME of main bios, please please.

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LA-C912P alienware 17R3.rar
5.7 MB · Views: 11

Last edited:
CN-0DVV6W. = board alienware 17 r3 LA-C912P CPU i7-6700HQ, GPU=GTX970M/3GB chip( N16E-GT-A1 )
CN-0YRFN8 = BOARD alienware 17 r3 LA-C912P CPU i7-6820HK, GPU=GTX980M 8GB chip(N16E-GX-A1)

you can check in google. i need the bios for CN-0DVV6W specially the kbc kb9022qf and uv10 but for 17 r3 board, you only have here the uv10 for 15 r2 board.
It is just the product code so that the main sellers, not related to the BIOS, you do not need to care about this information
because it no have video with yours dumps and sound 7 times with your dumps, and when i recharge the original bios the board not sound but not video and i do reballing to cpu and gpu, and all ok. And because i pay a vip membership on this webpage an never before in 4 years i say you that you give me this favor, and it is sufuccient.
because it no have video with yours dumps and sound 7 times with your dumps, and when i recharge the original bios the board not sound but not video and i do reballing to cpu and gpu, and all ok. And because i pay a vip membership on this webpage an never before in 4 years i say you that you give me this favor, and it is sufuccient.

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clear mes.zip
5.4 MB · Views: 42

Bios bin for AAP21 LA-C912P Rev: 1.0 (A00) (2015) ene KB9022Q Please, thanks in advance mr Thien.