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DELL 5570 LA-F115P REV1.0 BIOS Schematics

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DELL 5570 LA-F115P REV1.0 BIOS
Dell Inspiron 15 5570 LA-F115P CAL50 DAL10 REV 1.0 (A00) PHOTO
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Schematics DELL 5570 LA-F115P
boardview Dell LATITUDE 3490 3590 - LA-F115P - LA-F116P Boardview (.CAD).cad
LA-F115P TOP.pdf
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Hi, i have that la-f115p I7 cpu and i have tried few bios but most of the times i got 7 quick blinks and follow with 2 yellow . does anyone know what kind of issue it could be?
old bios error what ?
We have replaced the keyboard on it and customer took it after 8 days came back and the laptop wouldnt show anything but you could hear fan spinning. After disassemble it and pull the battery out and replug everything in the light start blinking 7 times and 2 yellows then we try other bios but start flashing 1 time so wrong bios file after changing to another it start doing the same 7 blinks and 2 yellows
We have replaced the keyboard on it and customer took it after 8 days came back and the laptop wouldnt show anything but you could hear fan spinning. After disassemble it and pull the battery out and replug everything in the light start blinking 7 times and 2 yellows then we try other bios but start flashing 1 time so wrong bios file after changing to another it start doing the same 7 blinks and 2 yellows
old and new same problem ? send old bios i check
never mind just found the issue was the lcd wasnt very well connected. Half way in

Left side is amber light (1-3) and right side (1-7) is white light

LED Codes for 7559
LED codes
Description Possible Cause
CPU CPU failure
2,2 System board: BIOS ROM failure System board, covers BIOS corruption or ROM error
2,3 No Memory / RAM detected Memory
2,4 Memory / RAM failure Memory
2,5 Invalid Memory installed Memory
2,6 System board: Chipset System board / Chipset error
2,7 LCD LCD failure
3,1 RTC Power Failure CMOS Battery failure
3,2 PCI / Video PCI or Video card/chip failure
3,3 BIOS Recovery 1 Recovery Image not found
3,4 BIOS Recovery 2 Recovery Image found but invalid
3,5 Power Rail failure EC ran into power sequencing failure
3,6 SBIOS Flash Corruption Flash Corruption detected by SBIOS
3,7 ME Error Timeout waiting on ME to reply to HECI message