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WhatsApp Image 2020-06-09 at 18.15.55.jpeg

17931-1 Boardview (.CAD).cad
18750-1 Boardview (.CAD).cad

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16 MB · Views: 453

17931-1 Boardview (.CAD).cad.zip
235.3 KB · Views: 171

18750-1 Boardview (.CAD).cad.zip
233.7 KB · Views: 181

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Mấy File trên cũng không kích được nguồn Đại Vương Ơi

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vào win test mọi thứ ok hết ko? update BIOS mới chưa? nó là BIOS gốc hay tải đâu về? phần cứng có thay đổi gì ko? hay cứ thấy chậm là đè ra Clea me :D
good day,

laptop dell mainboard BOLT 1SP DIS 4GB 18790-1 XV3Y6$la, it gives me the following error. 3 amber and 5 white flashes. they only turn on the fans, I programmed the bios with the one in the vinafix profile and I get the same error.
bios MXIC MK 25L12872F
please. Thanks, I attached photos.

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Captura de pantalla 2022-08-22 105106.png Captura de pantalla 2022-08-22 105143.png Captura de pantalla 2022-08-22 105201.png
6.8 MB · Views: 3

good day,

laptop dell mainboard BOLT 1SP DIS 4GB 18790-1 XV3Y6$la, it gives me the following error. 3 amber and 5 white flashes. they only turn on the fans, I programmed the bios with the one in the vinafix profile and I get the same error.
bios MXIC MK 25L12872F
please. Thanks, I attached photos.
This image doesn't make any sense, you need to try another BIOS to compare.