Good mornig Sir.
I had a shorted SRJAU PCH. I bought a new one and replaced it, but now it takes 1 minute to screen show up. My acer Nitro 5 is a Model N20C2 AN517-52 (Intel Core i7 10750H / GTX1650 ). Board is GH51M LA-K861P rev:1B. Could you please clean this BIOS for me?
I had a shorted SRJAU PCH. I bought a new one and replaced it, but now it takes 1 minute to screen show up. My acer Nitro 5 is a Model N20C2 AN517-52 (Intel Core i7 10750H / GTX1650 ). Board is GH51M LA-K861P rev:1B. Could you please clean this BIOS for me?
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original_nitro5_gh51m_la-k861p_ rev1B_pch.bin
16 MB · Views: 1
16 MB · Views: 1