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320-15IKB (Type 80XL, 80YE) (ideapad) EG521 EG522 EZ511 EG721 NM-B452 REV 1.0

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320-15IKB (Type 80XL, 80YE) Laptop (ideapad) 4wcn41ww Kabylake
EG521 EG522 EZ511 EG721 NM-B452 REV:1.0
boardview NM-B452 R02_DIS
note check model type: xxxx
Schematics Lenovo Ideapad 320 LCFC EG521_EG522 NM-B452 Rev 0.2.pdf
Screen Shot 2019-12-23 at 1.28.21 PM.jpg

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8 MB · Views: 2,216

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NM-B452 R02_DIS.tvw.zip
2.5 MB · Views: 2,520

no display with bios from all theme. With old one have display but after shut down dead. Need to disconnect baterry and rtc and start again until next shut down.
I also solved this problem. This is a problem with the EC Bios program. In my case, NM-B452, the problem was solved by programming the IO chip
hello, which software do I use to open the boardview, since it has * .tvw extension
320-15IKB ( Tipo 80XL, 80YE ) Laptop (ideapad) 4wcn41ww Kabylake
EG521 EG522 EZ511 EG721 NM-B452 REV: 1.0
boardview NM-B452 R02_DIS
observe o tipo de modelo de verificação: xxxx
Esquemas Lenovo Ideapad 320 LCFC EG521_EG522 NM-B452 Rev 0.2.pdf
View attachment 108122
ola administrador preciso de ajuda ajude a recontruir minha bios
lenovo 330 nm-b452
i7 oitava geracao com video nvidia