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  1. ThienBui

    8 Series testing notes

    8 Series testing notes
  2. ThienBui

    RT8205 pin voltage

    RT8205 pin voltage
  3. Mostafa1

    Password power-on hp nc6400

    hi how to remove power-on password on hp nc 6400 please..
  4. L

    MSI mother board

    Bác nào có phần mềm đọc boardview của MSI MS-7680 (H61M-E23 B3) cho em xin với ạ. Nếu có cho em xin chút hướng dẫn sử dụng và file boardview của mã trên thì càng tốt ạ. Em cảm ơn ạ hi hi hi
  5. T


    How to find short on dell AAL15 LA-D071P
  6. Pc clinics

    820-3332A main board fault

    I have green lights and after red lights, no battery plugged, doesn't turn on , fan not spinning. I have pp3v42_g3h ok I have pp1v2_s5_smc_vddc processor hit up I didn't find any short on main-board Anybody knows anything to help ? Thanks!
  7. Jim Henderson

    I have an ASUS N551JM mainboard that runs well off the DC charger but does not charge the battery.

    ASUS N551JM mainboard that runs well off the DC charger but does not charge the battery. Anyone here that does mainboard component repair?
  8. ThienBui

    PC BD SATURN MAIN VA0.5 - Sega Saturn HST-3200, JVC V-Saturn RG-JX1

    PC BD SATURN MAIN VA0.5 - Sega Saturn HST-3200, JVC V-Saturn RG-JX1
  9. B

    asus tp550ld giật lcd khi dùng pin

    mình gặp cái asus này tình trạng khi dùng sạc thì bình thuong, khi dùng pin + sạc cũng bthường nhưng khi dùng pin không ( pin tầm 100%) thì dùng bthuong, nhưng xuống tầm dưới 50 % thì màn hình cứ cà giật chớp chớp, kiểu như hư bóng cao áp. đã thay thử màn , chép bios, đo nguồn 3.2v thì ổn định...
  10. cifam

    dell 7710 problem

    dell pricision 7710 with problem all port in this part ls-c558p not work .any one have solution
  11. C

    Change Windows Product Key in Bios

    I need a little help. Lately i've catch a lot of laptop with corrupted bios, so i've to flash it with dumps from here. What i need to know is how i can edit the dump to add the windows product key from my old bios. With the HxD i can edit the serial number, model, etc successful. If i do a raw...
  12. ThienBui


    EY82C621 SR3HL DH8950CL SLKCK DH8900CC SLJW2 JL82599ES SR1VN BD82X79SLJN7 SLJHW DH82H81 SR177 SR13B DH82B85 SR178 SR13C DH82Q85 SR174 SR138 DH82Q87 SR173 SR137 DH82H87 SR175 SR139 DH82Z87 SR176 SR13A DH82HM87 SR17D SR13H DH82QM87 SR17C SR13G DH82HM86 SR17E SR13J BD82QM67SLJ4MBD82Q67 SLJ4D...
  13. Maz_Lab

    I want to merge Bios

    I Extract Bios Dell but .. i don't know how to merge bios old with New
  14. msnessy247

    Unlock please remove the password in this bin file hp 640 g2

    please i need help can you remove the password in this bin file??? this is hp 640 G2 i am trying all bin file in this forum but without success when i use some files here the laptop start without display and the fan is speed if you have any solution for removing the password in this file, i...
  15. ThienBui

    ASUS VGA - VGA L3-2 Training Materials Repair

    ASUS VGA - VGA L3-2 Training Materials Repair
  16. ThienBui

    HP laptop v2000 dv1000 Laptop - CHIP LEVEL TRAINING

    HP laptop v2000 dv1000 Laptop - CHIP LEVEL TRAINING
  17. ThienBui

    Sony PlayStation PSP Ultimate - Repair Guide V1.1

    Sony PlayStation PSP Ultimate - Repair Guide V1.1
  18. ThienBui

    Training Material (Portuguese)

    Training Material (Portuguese) Information on voltage circuits of motherboards (Portuguese).pdf Introduction to voltage regulators PWM circuit (motherboards and laptops) (Portuguese).pdf PWM information - voltage regulator of the motherboard core (Portuguese).pdf
  19. ThienBui


  20. ThienBui

    Motherboard Repair - Training Material (Portuguese)

    Motherboard Repair - Training Material (Portuguese)