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  1. ThienBui

    BIOS OptiPlex 5000 Micro

    OptiPlex 5000 Micro
  2. ThienBui

    BIOS Optiplex 5000 D12 MTE 212025-1

    Optiplex 5000 D12 MTE 212025-1 BIOS
  3. carlos2119

    Ask OptiPlex Micro 7010 pede quitar contraseña

    puedes quitar contraseña
  4. ThienBui

    BIOS OptiPlex 7050 Tower

    OptiPlex 7050 Tower BIOS
  5. Texnousta

    Ask Dell optiplex 3080 IPCML-CT

    3 orange 6 white lights. probably happened after update. can yo fix it?
  6. M

    Ask Dell OptiPlex 7010 SFF

    limpiame no hay video
  7. Sergio Alexander Paul

    Ask dell sff 5050 optiplex

    este archivo bios se muestra tarde 40 segundos. ¿Puedes reconstruir este archivo BIOS?
  8. A

    Ask Dell Optiplex 3050 IPKBL-SR/35W REV.A00

    Please clear me
  9. ThienBui

    BIOS Optiplex 9020

    Optiplex 9020
  10. M

    Ask DELL OPTIPLEX 9020

  11. ThienBui

    BIOS OptiPlex 5260

    OptiPlex 5260 AIO 1.25.0
  12. ICEfeb2020

    Ask dell optiplex 7010 la0351

    hi all... is there a way to rebuild this bios bin because this bin was unable to enter bios settings, once bios key entered the computer will shutdown.tnx
  13. C

    Ask dell optiplex 2030 v2kx3 i need picture or photo. help me please

    please help me.. i need picture to identify the ic chip model. on my license plate it has burned and I can't read the number :(
  14. M

    Ask dell optiplex 7450 aio

    hello sir i have attached old bios in which there is a beep sound but no display ... plz rebuild and give... thanks
  15. ThienBui

    BIOS Optiplex 7490 AIO IPRKL-GF/UMA

    Optiplex 7490 AIO IPRKL-GF/UMA BIOS
  16. ThienBui

    BIOS OptiPlex 7000

    OptiPlex 7000 BIOS
  17. ThienBui

    BIOS OptiPlex 3090 212037-1

    OptiPlex 3090 BIOS
  18. ThienBui

    BIOS Optiplex 5090

    Optiplex 5090 BIOS
  19. B

    Ask OptiPlex 9020 All-In-One CLEAR ME PLEASE

    Hi, Can anyone please clear me bios file for me If im not wrong this model got 2 of bios chip on it which is 25Q64FVS1Q AND 25Q32FVS1Q I ALSO SUPPLY FILE FROM DELL WEBSITE AS WELL THANKS IN ADVANCE
  20. thaymainlaptop.vn

    Dell Optiplex 5080

    Dell Optiplex 5080 BIOS bios pass dell optiplex 5080