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Cyberchase is an animated educational children's television series on PBS Kids. The series focuses around three children from Earth: Jackie, Matt, and Inez. They were brought into Cyberspace, a digital universe, in order to protect the world from the villain Hacker. These kids are able to prevent Hacker from taking over Cyberspace by means of problem-solving skills in conjunction with basic math, environmental science, and wellness. In Cyberspace, they meet Digit, a "cybird" who helps them on their missions.Cyberchase was created by Thirteen and debuted on January 21, 2002. In 2010, after the season eight finale, Cyberchase went on hiatus, but it returned in 2013 for a ninth season, followed by a tenth season in 2015. The eleventh season premiered on October 23, 2017, and the twelfth and final season premiered on April 19, 2019.

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