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  1. duydatdeo

    Ask MAC A1466 EMC 3178 MỞ KHÓA GIÚP E

  2. A

    Question How to open an schematic on Mac

    I bought an schematic, but I can't find the program to open it on a MacBook
  3. G

    Ask Gigabyte G5 MD Placa S/N: 1TNH55HKQY0002241694 MAC: D4939014B117 f W5T199-1 P/N: 6-77-NH55HKQY-D02A-7C

    Mi problema es que despues de actualizar con windows la bios prende y apaga en un lapso de 2 minutos y no reconoce mas en el administrador de tareas la GPU antes de apagase gira fuertemente los coolers y parpadea el led naranja de carga en la bios me figura FW ME Y System serial Number...
  4. J

    Help Tips Mac mini a1347 820-5509-a Late 2014

    Tengo una MacMini A1347 Late 2014 Board: 820-5509-A El equipo se formateo y no se le pudo instalar sistema, cuando intente instalar sistema con el comando: Comand+R, Comand+Option y tambien Comand+R+Option. En todos los intentos, presenta manzana y la barra de carga avanza hasta llegar al final...
  5. B

    Ask MAC 1465, EMC 2924 BOARD NO: 820-00164-A (94V-0 1415)

  6. B

    Ask MAC 1502

  7. V

    Ask Mac 820-2336

    Hello Can you help me to find this components to buy I can’t know the code to buy https://ibb.co/YXsZnsm https://ibb.co/HXvjLC1
  8. M

    Ask i mac a1311

    i mac a1311 sending old bios no display plz rebuild and give.
  9. L

    Ask A1289 Mac Pro 820-2337-a schematic

    Hello, any member with BRD PDF schematic of this MLB 820-2337-A thanks all
  10. G

    Ask Mac Mini M1 chip A2348

    How to unlock MAC Mini? I have a Find My Mac blockade. I forget email and password. Is that any solution for my problem? May any bios or something?
  11. reki79

    Ask Hello! Do u have any boardviewer software for Mac?

    Need it for open schematics files on my Macbook
  12. ThienBui

    Schematics Apple Mac Mini A1993 2018 - 820-00939-A Schematics

    Apple Mac Mini A1993 2018 - 820-00939-A 820-00939 Architectur Diagram.pdf 820-00939.pdf MAP.pdf Schematics
  13. V

    Ask MAC book does not mount internal disk on recovery mode

    i have a problem with a macbook a1398 that it boot normally but if i try to factory reset it wont allow to format because it wont mount the internal disk, does anyone know the problem?
  14. R

    Ask MAC A1289 EMC No.2629 BIOS NEED

    hello, please bios to MAC A1289 EMC No.2629 if possible please MAC vbios to Sapphire Nitro RX580 Thank You!
  15. effektiveddd

    USB SSN, MDM, DEP reset tool for Mac 2009 – 2017

    Someone have this soft: https://www.macunlocks.com/product/usb-ssn-mdm-dep-reset-tool-for-mac-2009-2017/ ?? YES i know - I can change via bios but i have warranty sticker.
  16. A

    Ask Mac A1502

  17. ThienBui

    How to Reset Your Mac Password

    How to Reset Your Mac Password Stage 1) Boot into Single User Mode and remove a setup file Restart the Mac holding down the Command+S keys, this will take you into Single User Mode and it’s Terminal interface You’ll need to check the filesystem first: fsck -fy Next, you must mount the root...
  18. ThienBui

    Apple Mac Mini A1347 820-5509-A

    Apple Mac Mini A1347 820-5509-A BIOS, Schematics Apple Mac Mini A1347 - 820-5509 - 820-5509-A.pdf
  19. camelion

    BIOS A1278 820-2327-A

    A1278 820-2327-A bios tested
  20. F

    Hướng dẫn cài đặt phầm mềm trên MacOS

    Bài này chủ yếu để phục vụ cho nhu cầu tìm hiểu của những người mới, nếu bạn đã quen thì đây là những thao tác cực kì đơn giản. Trong quá trình download phần mềm trên mạng về thì nhiều người không biết làm thế nào để cài đặt, sau đây là vài bước cần thực hiện để cài đặt hoàn chỉnh một phần mềm...