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  1. ThienBui

    Rewrite the SN / UUID after programming MEC for Lenovo

    Rewrite the SN / UUID after programming MEC for Lenovo EC MEC1633, MEC1632, MEC1609, MEC16, MEC50 note: Many users ask how to crack the superuser password. This chip is 192KB of Flash plus 2KB of EEPROM (stores the SVP superuser password and UUID). Through the JTAG interface, the flash can be...
  2. ThienBui

    How to fix Thinkpad Serial Number and UUID 2019-08-25

    Collection versions supports many newer model. 1. How to create a USB 2. How to do it Can fix CPU Card Serial, System-unit Serial, DC/DC Card Serial, System board Serial e.g: 0188: Invalid RFID seriallization information area. 2200: Machine Type and Serial Number are invalid. 2201: Machine...