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3190 2-in-1

NGC 3190 is a spiral galaxy with tightly wound arms and lying in the constellation Leo. It was discovered by William Herschel in 1784. NGC 3190 is member of Hickson 44 galaxy group, estimated at around 80 million light years away, and consisting of four galaxies in a tight group - NGC 3193 is fairly featureless, NGC 3187 is a dim but striking spiral galaxy and NGC 3185 has a barred spiral structure with an outer ring.
In 2002 two supernovae were observed in the galaxy. A Brazilian amateur astronomer Paulo Cacella detected one supernova in the southeastern part in March 2002 (SN 2002bo), and then an Italian team, while studying the first one, detected a second supernova (SN 2002cv) on the other side two months later.In 2012 Apple Inc used a blue tinted image of NGC 3190 as their desktop image for their release of OS X Mountain Lion.

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