Acer has a security for the keyboard. If you upload a new KBC batch or replace the keyboard with a new one, you need a patch that will extract the keyboard ID and assign it to the KBC batch. I got this information from a friend who works at Acer. Unfortunately, I did not get the software for...
Ive checked everything already. I am waiting for the already ordered KBC chip to replace it, because i suspect that it may also be the cause. The SPI chip was replaced with a new one
I try to build the BIOS myself and the laptop works on some of them, but the problem with the disk is, sometimes after the first start it does not start anymore. That's why I asked for help because I have no idea anymore and I wanted someone more experienced to build the BIOS because maybe I'm...
Proszę zbudować BIOS dla mojej płyty głównej Acer Acer A515-52-7612, DH5VF LA-F952P rev 1.0. Plik "LA-F952P-Backup-polaryzacja" to oryginalna partia. Plik "Acer-do-wgrania" to wykonany przeze mnie wsad na którym uruchomił się laptop ale problem jest z dyskiem bo go nie wykrywa.
I need to build a new BIOS with old or clean ME REGION for FX516PM motherboard. The motherboard after flooding and I need a fresh BIOS. I am also uploading the update file from the manufacturers website.
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