is it common for the hard drive to not appear after flashing firmware? I removed the firmware chip for this one, and used the TL866ii Plus, flashed 820-3208-a ok.bin. It now boots with option key and allows me to see external drive options but the original internal drive doesn't appear
One last stab. Is there such a thing as a safe bios or default bios or store demo bios that might help this computer boot? This laptop displays all of the characteristics of a firmware problem but won’t boot so I’m just trying anything
thank you, I'm sure you're right; in my case I think the supposedly clean firmware I had *introduced* the mdm lock based on its serial number. So I changed the number and voila. thank you
Hello, wondering if you ever figured this out? I changed the efi chip and reflashed it with an unlocked version and it got rid of the firmware lock, but then the mdm message appeared after installation (during setup), I wasn't aware it had mdm on it before. any suggestions?
THANK YOU! well, now that you mention it, can you explain the function of the two files? I only expected one. and then I should be out of your hair. do I use them both? in a particular order? one is admin password and one is patch. thank you again DISREGARD. My bad. thank you thank you thank you
I was about to attach the bios bin file when I realized that's what you were talking about. you also want a patch? You said "you need buy patch BIOS 15$" so I thought that's what I was buying. not every techie is super familiar with this stuff, so be careful insulting paying customers. here's...
OK, I’ve never used your help like this, so I don’t know how long it normally takes you. I’m just a little confused, am I waiting for you to send me something or are you waiting for me to send you something?
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