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    Acer A715-71 C5MMH LA-E911P

    Hi i have question please : i have motherboard LA-E911p rev b - I5 7300hq processor with firmware for Acer NITRO AN515 , can i flash firmware from Acer A717 -71 G ? (board also LA-E911p ) ---- boards are identical but processor diffrent i7 7700 and i5 7300 is that going to work ?
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    Lenovo 330-15IKB (Type 81DE), 330-17IKB (Type 81DM), 330 Touch-15IKB (Type 81DJ) 330S_KBL_MB_V97

    Hi , can clear bios please , model : Lenovo Ideapad 330s-15ikb ---- Model 81F5 --- integrated graphic I5 proc starts and runs and no picture , all Voltages present apart from GPU core -- 2V to the driver ( switching pin ) Board : LA-G07EP rev 2.0 i have try all bios files from this topic -...
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    Schematics Acer A315-56 Compal LA-H801P LA-J801P FH5LI Rev 1.0

    Hi i cant program EC , cant connect to the board -- i have SVOD programmer but this board is not listed in the software , can you help ?
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    Acer Aspire E5-773 - Wistron-SKLU 14277

    oh ,you the maaan , thank you :D
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    Acer Aspire E5-773 - Wistron-SKLU 14277

    hi i need EC file , any chance ?
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    Acer Aspire E5-773 - Wistron-SKLU 14277

    Thank you sir :mask::D