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  1. judamex

    BIOS thinkpad L14 HL4A0/HL5A0 NM-D271

    can you patch mi EC file?
  2. persistence.png


  3. judamex

    BIOS thinkpad L14 HL4A0/HL5A0 NM-D271

    i have one with computrance, no bios password, I can edit everything except the security option.
  4. judamex

    BIOS OptiPlex 3050 BIOS VJ40T Rev A00 D8-MFF-BF

    blink 2 ambar 5 withe, i program clear me but sata not works
  5. judamex

    HP 15cw0007la DAG7BFMB8D0 REV D AMD

    No power, no led charger. KBC ok
  6. judamex

    BIOS ThinkPad L14 - NM-C741 Rev 1.0

    try to read it with vertyanov v3.6 and it gives me the following error. Vertyanov JIG FW_v51 [AB0OP7MO][4142304F50374D4F] [W89509] [573839353039FF142114] EC RD|WR counters: ITE:1|1 JAN:2|3 MEC:0|0 NUV:0|0 EPF:0|0 ## JIG registered ## Nuvoton JTAG ID 0x0FE2201F FLASH ID 0xFFFFFF Wrong FLASH ID
  7. judamex

    BIOS ThinkPad L14 - NM-C741 Rev 1.0

    EC file? my problem is: power button blink 3 times, no power.
  8. judamex

    fdi45 la-j092p rev.1.0 A00

    i get code from a led 3 ambar 5 withe, this Dell lost original Bios Files, because owner program directly.
  9. judamex

    BIOS Alienware m15 Ryzen Ed GDL5L LA-K454P

    schematic available?
  10. judamex

    Dell Dell Latitude E5440 VAW30 LA-9832P

    I have one that turns on by itself when I connect the charger, any idea where to check?
  11. judamex

    Acer Switch SW312-31 SW312-31 T8202_ Pcb _ MB _V6

    Schematic available?
  12. judamex

    ThinkPad T490, T590, P53s, P43s BIOS FT490/FT492/FT590/FT591 NM-B901

    i program clear bin, but now blink power button 3 times
  13. judamex

    ThinkPad T490, T590, P53s, P43s BIOS FT490/FT492/FT590/FT591 NM-B901

    power on but no display. clearme please?
  14. judamex

    BIOS BIOSTAR A320MH Ver. 6.x

    Schematich and boardview available?
  15. judamex

    BIOS Dell Latitude 5300 18827-1

    Works fine!
  16. judamex

    BIOS Dell Latitude 5300 18827-1

    all the bios give me the same error, the laptop stays on, with the blockmayus on and does nothing else, I know it's bios, but none has worked for me and the original does exactly the same thing
  17. judamex

    Lenovo Thinkpad T460P-BT463-NM-A611-Rev-1.0-intel Gen 6th

    Do you know the location of the EC?
  18. judamex

    VGA GTX TITAN PG600 r B02

    Something For GTXTITAN-6GD5?
  19. judamex


    schematic available?
  20. judamex

    BIOS Dell Latitude 5300 18827-1

    Works now but still password with 8fc8