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V330-14ikb LA-F481P

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V330-14ikb LA-F481P
6ucn52ww DLMV1407

V330 V530 EX3 LA-F481P dlme1_mb_r02 (LA-D562P) Schematics
Lenovo V330-14IKB - LA-F481P REV1.0 BoardView.pdf

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6ucn52ww DLMV1407.BIN
8 MB · Views: 1,037

EC ENE.bin
128 KB · Views: 498

pleas repair this file.DLME1/v2 LA-F481P rev:1.0(ci5) .original file is power on and off.i have tried another file from you but no display.Thanks before.
model this bios 8mb but file you send only 4mb, Please check again.
sorry, that's what I backup, maybe the original bios has been changed, because this laptop has been repaired by someone else. Do you have any other bios besides the one you uploaded?
sorry, that's what I backup, maybe the original bios has been changed, because this laptop has been repaired by someone else. Do you have any other bios besides the one you uploaded?
on top Available, but you need use right chip 64x, 8MB