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Hi all,

I am having issues with A1708. To be honest, it's not my favorite board at all.

I have 3 logic board that will not see SSD. One of the board was working well and could see SSD.

However, after i re-flashed the BIOS, It didn't want to switch on. So I flash the original backup i made and it works but can't detect SSD.

I am wondering if there are some security on these board that will disable the hard disk if you changed the bios.

I have also tested all voltages that goes to the SSD connector. All the voltages are fine so there must be something wrong with software.

The same SSD works fine on other A1708

If you have similar issues let me know how you resolved it.

hi . make sure you have the small connector leading to nowhere plugged in. if not the ssd circuit does not close and the disk will not be detected
Hi Jack, I already spend so much time on this board and the problem is related to bios.

If i removed bios chip from a fully working A1708 (2017) and solder it on the board that don't see SSD (820-00840). It works absolutely fine and does see SSD. It need NVRAM reset and problably ME region clear later.

And not to mentioned that these board will only see 2017 SSD or 2016 depending on the year of the board.

For some unknown reason, it looks like as soon you ecrase or upload back the original bios the board will not see the SSD anymore. I am suspecting my bios programmer are not able to properly write back the bios on the chip. I was using ch341 but now I have ordered RTL809.

I will see how it goes when I received the programmer.

I never had any issues programming bios before apart from those A1708.


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