HP ProDesk 400 G4 Microtower BIOS P03
Crux Rev:A
Crux Rev:A
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16 MB · Views: 922
16 MB · Views: 922
you need buy one VIP and can downloadsGood day! Tell me if I can only download one bios file for HP G4 400 Crux Rev:A without subscription. How much to pay for this file https://vinafix.com/threads/hp-prodesk-400-g4-microtower-bios-p03-crux-rev-a.35452/. Is it possible to send e-mail [email protected] ? Thanks
can send one photo error ?Tell me in the BIOS clean ME region? Flashed the programmer TL866, when you turn on five long, two short signals. By signal codes "controller cannot find valid firmware".
hardware you.Attached video and the BIOS. I can not figure out the reasons for the error
bios on top AvailableAttached a photo of the motherboard
I need a bios with clean me region. The HP website only has updates. The Board does not start with Your bios. I hope you will help me
check hardware.Thanks for your help. But unfortunately the situation has not changed.
try itThis is old bin everything is ok just when we in to the windows keyboard and mouse is not working .
and also if we want to windows is also keyboard and mouse is not working
sir your bin is not display