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C21-4LB Grundig GNB 1442 A1 i3 TCH

None of the adobe bios are working, several users have tried them. Any other version?
You need to try, Can not because of someone else tried and you did not try. Each laptop has a different bug all not the same. Understand ?
You need to try, Can not because of someone else tried and you did not try. Each laptop has a different bug all not the same. Understand ?
I already tried all the versions as I explained, do not walk. Only one works but has a password. Understand?
Hi. I need the C21_VC Motherboard with Intel Core i5 Bios. All these bios give me black screen. I think it's because my mother has a Core i5. The laptop model is Compaq Presario 21N1F5AR. Thank you